Monday, March 19, 2007

Illegal immigrants

I can't blame anyone for wanting to better themselves by coming to the United States. I just wish they would do it legally.

When I first got out of college I took a job with an environmental company doing remediation on a Superfund Site. I was employed there for less than a week when I was promoted to supervisor and given a crew of about twenty. I was excited about the promotion until I met my new crew and discovered that all but one of them were from South America, and only a few of them spoke English. I was young and naive and believed all the stereotypes that I had been told over the years. I almost turned down the promotion because of all the incorrect things I had been told about these people. I stuck it out and discovered that these men were the most loyal, hard working people I had ever been around. They weren't lazy, they didn't steal, and they didn't do drugs. They were here in our Country to try to better themselves and support their families the best they could. I know some of them had to be here illegally, but I never asked. And to be honest, I didn't care. I learned a lot from them and I became proud to call some of them my friends. Does that make me a bad person?

There are good and bad people everywhere. You can't always judge a book by its cover.

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