Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Michael Vick is, you know, sorry.

I applaud Michael Vick for having the guts to do a press conference and apologize for his actions. It took a lot of courage to hold that press conference. Maybe next time he will make an effort to not say, "you know," so many times.

Although I'm glad Michael made the effort, I just wasn't convinced of his sincerity. He just didn't come off as being genuine to me. Maybe it was because he is, "not a public speaker." I don't know, but the whole time I watched him all I could think about was how much he reminded me of a child being forced to apologize to another child on the playground after there was a fight over a toy. It seemed like he said all the right things, but it just didn't come across as being sincere. I could almost envision his mother standing behind him telling him what to say.

Am I the only guy who is getting tired of hearing people who do bad things talk about how they have "found God?" Its like they think all they have to do is invoke the name of the Lord and the whole world will absolve them and forget anything bad they ever did. I'm sorry, but I don't think "finding God" is quite that easy. Its not like you can dig through the kitchen junk drawer every time you do something wrong and suddenly find enlightenment underneath your spare set of car keys. I'm a forgiving person, but I want to see what Michael does from this point forward before I hitch my pony to that cart. I don't know what or how long it will take to finally convince me that he is sincere, but I do know that it is going to take more than just his words of apology. Especially since he has admitted that he has been less than honest in the past.

Oh well, I guess we'll eventually find out just how sincere Michael Vick really was when he held that press conference. And despite what you may think, I'm actually hoping the guy really does turn his life around. I think Michael Vick has been good for the NFL and the city of Atlanta, and I think he can be good for them again.

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