Friday, June 27, 2008

Landis Finds Out On Monday

Floyd Landis will find out just how far the conspiracy against him goes on Monday, June 30th. That is when the Court of Arbitration for Sport will announce their decision regarding Floyd's appeal hearing that was held back in March. The Arbitration Panel apparently heard 35 hours of testimony from 24 different witnesses during the hearing.

I honestly don't know if Floyd Landis is guilty or innocent. But, I do know the French lab (LNDD) that performed the tests on Floyd's samples appears to be completely incompetent. Failure to follow accepted procedures and huge gaps of time in chain of custody appear to be the norm for LNDD. I guarantee you that if this was a criminal trial being conducted in the American legal system all of the evidence that was processed at LNDD would have already been thrown out of court. From what I have read, LNDD broke virtually every rule and regulation regarding drug testing on an international level when they handled Floyd's samples for the Tour de Farce.

Whether Floyd is found guilty or innocent, I hope the arbitration panel finds some way to make mention of the phenomenal ineptitude that was exhibited by the French laboratory (LNDD) who conducted the testing. The Lab's blatant disregard for chain of custody requirements alone should have voided any testing results in this case. What is the point of having certified labs if the labs don't follow any of the rules required for certification? In my opinion, LNDD should be publicly reprimanded and monetarily fined for their misconduct. If the panel does rule in Floyd's favor, then I think it would only be fair for LNDD to pay for ALL of Floyd's legal expenses to date.

The Tour de Farce is (and always will be) a complete joke.

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